Modifica di Modulo:Citation/CS1/Date validation

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Riga 627: Riga 627:

if 13 > tonumber(year2) then return false; end -- don't allow 2003-05 which might be May 2003
if 13 > tonumber(year2) then return false; end -- don't allow 2003-05 which might be May 2003
year2 = century .. year2; -- add the century to year2 for comparisons
year2 = century .. year2; -- add the century to year2 for comparisons
if tonumber(year) >= tonumber(year2) then return false; end -- left to right, earlier to later, not the same
if tonumber(year) >= tonumber(year2) then return false; end -- left to right, earlier to later, not the same
if not is_valid_year(year2) then return false; end -- no year farther in the future than next year
if not is_valid_year(year2) then return false; end -- no year farther in the future than next year
Riga 639: Riga 639:
return false; -- date format not one of the MOS:DATE approved formats
return false; -- date format not one of the MOS:DATE approved formats
if param ~= 'date' then -- CITEREF disambiguation only allowed in |date=; |year= & |publication-date= promote to date
if anchor_year:match ('%l$') then
return false;

Riga 1 108: Riga 1 102:
xlate = is_xlateable (month); -- get translate <month>; returns translation or nil
xlate = is_xlateable (month); -- get translate <month>; returns translation or nil
-- if cfg.date_names.en.long[month] then -- long month dates
-- if cfg.date_names.inv_local_long[cfg.date_names.en.long[month]] then
-- xlate = cfg.date_names.inv_local_long[cfg.date_names.en.long[month]];
-- end
---- mode = 'F'; -- English name is long so use long local name
-- elseif cfg.date_names.en.short[month] then -- short month dates
-- if cfg.date_names.inv_local_short[cfg.date_names.en.short[month]] then
-- xlate = cfg.date_names.inv_local_short[cfg.date_names.en.short[month]];
-- end
---- mode = 'M'; -- English name is short so use short local name
-- elseif cfg.date_names.en.quarter[month] then -- quarter dates
-- if cfg.date_names.inv_local_quarter[cfg.date_names.en.quarter[month]] then
-- xlate = cfg.date_names.inv_local_quarter[cfg.date_names.en.quarter[month]];
-- end
-- elseif cfg.date_names.en.season[month] then -- season dates
-- if cfg.date_names.inv_local_season[cfg.date_names.en.season[month]] then
-- xlate = cfg.date_names.inv_local_season[cfg.date_names.en.season[month]];
-- end
-- elseif cfg.date_names.en.named[month] then -- named dates
-- if cfg.date_names.inv_local_named[cfg.date_names.en.named[month]] then
-- xlate = cfg.date_names.inv_local_named[cfg.date_names.en.named[month]];
-- end
-- else
-- xlate=nil; -- not an English month name; could be local language month name
---- mode = nil; -- not an English month name; could be local language month name or an English season name
-- end
if xlate then
if xlate then
-- if mode then -- might be a season
-- xlate = lang_object:formatDate(mode, '1' .. month); -- translate the month name to this local language
date = mw.ustring.gsub (date, month, xlate); -- replace the English with the translation
date = mw.ustring.gsub (date, month, xlate); -- replace the English with the translation
date_parameters_list[param_name].val = date; -- save the translated date
date_parameters_list[param_name].val = date; -- save the translated date
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